The 21st WPC is a great success for us and the event itself. A lot of visitors come to our booth and have a great time talking with us.A few trial orders of sma
We have maintained good and sustained business relationship with our patron in Argentia for nearly 7 years. Our patron is quite happy about our products and
What big news for Dervos! The new factory comes into use after years' efforts in planning, design and construction. Everyone in Dervos has been working to
Dervos established itself as a leading valve supplier in China 7 years ago. In the last 7 years, Dervos has experienced rapid growth in customer base, number of
2014 is a significant year for Dervos to reach out to the world and seek more chances of cooperating with clients, end users or manufacturers. Our wide-rangin
As 2014 begins, Dervos has worked out a new program to expand and deepen connections with clients in sectors of control system, oil and gas, petrochemical, m
With each passing, we are getting closer to celebrating the Spring Festival that runs from. We will take ten days off from January 29 to February 10, 2014. Bu
Employees in Dervos are entitled to annual holiday and holiday allowance, that is, taking seven days off in November or December every year since all work and n
As a leading valve supplier in China, Dervos is an attendee of Valve World Asia Conference & Expo 2013 in Suzhou International Expo Center in Suzhou, China. It
All salespeople attend the monthly company-wide business review presided over by Mr. Wang, General Manager of Dervos. It has been an established practice to do
To break up monotony at work and arrive at a balance between sedentary lifestyle and physical health, monthly activity is organized on the first Friday of every
ADIPEC 2013 is around 3 months away. ADIPEC - the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference - is the largest gas and oil event for the Middle