How to Choose a Slab Gate Valve

How to Choose a Slab Gate Valve

The slab gate valve is a slide valve whose closing member is a parallel gate or wedge. Generally speaking, we have single disc & double disc slab gate valves, slab gate valves with & without diversion hole, slab gate valves with metal seat & soft seat. So, how do we choose a right slab gate valve for the application?

For oil and natural gas pipelines, single disc or double-disc slab gate valves are used. If we need to clean the pipeline, the valve should be with a diversion hole.

For the pipeline and storage equipment of refined oil, a single gate or double gate slab gate valves without diversion holes could be used.

For oil and gas production wellhead devices, we could choose single-gate or double-gate slab gate valves with floating seat and diversion holes, mostly following API 6A standard.

For gas transmission pipeline, single gate or double gate slide valves with soft seat could be used.

