June 27th, 2016 is the 8th birthday of DERVOS since its foundation in 2008, this year, the best birthday gift should be the record high sales amount of USD4.99 Million in 1H, 2016. This is really a big accomplishment for DERVOS, it witness everyone's efforts and the recognition by all of our clients. Here we'd like to thank all of our clients on behalf of DERVOS, thank you for the continuous support and always trust.

Besides the normal regular meeting, we held cooking activity and battle game to celebrate it. For the cooking, each person is responsible for a dish and it turns out that all are good at it, and we really had a big feast. Take a look at the photos and you will know I'm telling the truth.

Now comes to the fierce battle game, everyone is armed up and divided into two groups. In order to win the game, you should be brave enough to attack, but also should be smart to come up with strategy to protect yourselves. On the battle field, you are not alone, so teamwork proves itself. Our team are lucky to win all the 4 games. 

Business is just like the game, it also needs teamwork spirit and DERVOS people will continue to act as a team to grow itself and welcome more anniversaries to come!