Expo Name: The Valve World Expo & Conference 2016.
Date: 29th November to 1st December 2016.
Address: Dusseldorf, Germany.
The Valve World Expo & Conference 2016 again is organized in close cooperation with the Messe Dusseldorf and held from 29th November to 1st December 2016 in Dusseldorf, Germany. The highly integrated Exhibition and Conference create a professional platform where
Valve World members can network, interact and learn how the latest products and services can help them in their professional activities.
The Valve World Expo features leading global manufacturers and distributors of equipment such as valves, control valves, safety relief valves, actuators, instruments, positioners, gearboxes, etc. But show visitors can also meet a wide array of small-to-medium sized businesses, including family companies and start-up valve enterprises.
The Valve World Conference lasts for three days and the content is driven by a strong Steering Committee which has a large number of end users as members. Knowledge transfer is facilitated via the plenary lectures, presentations and workshops, etc. The Conference language is English. Popular topics that are covered in the Conference include amongst others: fugitive emissions, control valves and instrumentation, new designs, wear & tear of valves, severe service, sealing, actuation, counterfeiting…
Indeed, the Conference Chairman, Fergus R. Harrison (Instrumentation Technology Leader with ExxonMobil Research and Engineering) said: “What makes the Valve World Conference so valuable is that it is a genuine "open platform” where everyone is welcome and indeed encouraged to share his or her own experiences with valves, control valves, actuators, etc".
The Valve World Expo & Conference attracts an international audience of end users, consultants, EPC companies, procurement managers, engineers, distributors, manufacturers and suppliers. They are drawn from a wide spread of industries, including oil & gas, water & wastewater, chemical processing, refining, mining, pulp & paper, petrochemical, power generation, industrial processing, food & beverage, and pharmaceutical.

- See more at: http://www.valve-world.net/vw2016/valve-world-conference-expo-2016.html#sthash.rh9phIFf.dpuf